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sustainable packaging

Contact Euralpack

Tasty content
sustainable packaging

Contact Euralpack

Tasty content
sustainable packaging

Contact Euralpack

Since 1993, our passionate team has helped more than 3,000 customers find the right food packaging, every time, for decades.

Service & consulting

Good packaging starts with solid advice

Packaging is chosen not only to protect products, but also to reinforce the brand and boost sales. We understand these challenges and analyse your products thoroughly, taking into account factors such as shelf life, visual appeal and durability.

Everything starts with an exploratory conversation.

Contact our experts

Service en consulting meeting bij Euralpack

Packaging solutions

Standard or custom-made? At Euralpack, you will find both!

Depending on the type of food to be packaged, there are several options. On one hand, there is a large stock of standard products available for immediate delivery. On the other hand, many packages are custom-made for customers.

Discover our wide product range


100% recyclable by 2030?

Packaging plays a crucial role in reducing food waste. By choosing high-performance, sustainable, recyclable or compostable materials, you show that you not only protect your products, but also care for the planet. We can assist you in achieving environmental requirements around packaging, also according to the new EU packaging legislation (PPWR).

Find out more about our sustainable packaging

FAERCH productie


What does the future of food packaging look like?

Some of our customers


Euralpack is our partner in the search for innovative packaging solutions. With their expertise and efficient working methods, together we develop the most suitable packaging for our products.


We are very satisfied with Euralpack’s packaging. Their expertise and customer focus really make a difference.



Euralpack’s service is attentive and responsive; they are always ready to help.

Testimonial EuralPack


I have been impressed by Euralpack’s commitment to quality and customer-friendliness for years. They continue to be the reliable partner for our packaging needs.

An enthusiastic team

Our team consists of a diverse mix of talents spread across different departments. Each team member brings his or her unique expertise and passion for the packaging industry, from R&D and consulting to customer service and logistics. Together, we form a close-knit unit driven by innovation and customer satisfaction, with everyone contributing to the shared mission of delivering high-quality, sustainable packaging solutions.

Meet the Euralpack team

About us


Our optimal and sustainable packaging solutions strive to protect not only products, but also the planet. From efficient, recyclable and compostable materials, to smart designs that minimise waste, we embrace the power of sustainability to ensure a healthy, green legacy for generations to come.

About us

Medewerkers Euralpack

Our partners – expertise channels

Belgian Biopackaging

Being a member of Belgian BioPackaging enables Euralpack to be at the forefront of developing bio-based and/or bio-degradable packaging solutions, through collaboration with like-minded companies and access to the latest innovations and regulations in the industry.

Pack 4 Food

Euralpack has been a member of Pack4Food since its foundation and our CEO Thierry Lambert is President of Pack4Food. This collaboration helps us to be always up to date with the latest developments in the academic field and we participate in numerous application-oriented research projects on an ongoing basis.


Our membership with the Belgian Packaging Institute (BVI) provides access to a network of industry experts, latest trends and innovations, as well as educational resources and support on packaging development and regulation.


Offers Euralpack access to an extensive network of local entrepreneurs, business support and advice, as well as influential advocacy and a wide range of training courses and events aimed at business growth and development.


The Belgian federation of packaging wholesalers, offers companies access to sector-specific information, networking opportunities with other industry professionals and advocacy at national and European level.

Looking for the perfect packaging solution?

A question regarding your packaging? Then contact us using the form and we will contact you within 3 working days. Hope to see you soon!

Contact Euralpack

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