Vacuum pouches

There are a lot of types of vacuum bags on the market, in different shapes, colours and materials. Depending on the type of application, it is therefore important to make the right choice. In general, we offer three different types of bags: vacuum bags, cooking bags and shrink (cooking) bags. For more information on these different materials, we will be happy to help.

Vacuum pouches

We are talking about pouches made free of air through a vacuum process. This application allows you to preserve your product longer and often a vacuum machine can be purchased without a large investment.

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Cooking pouches

Vacuum cooking pouches are special bags designed to safely cook or pasteurise food in both conventional and industrial cooking environments.

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Shrink (cooking) bags

A shrink bag is packaging that shrinks tightly around the product after vacuuming and brief heating. These bags are widely used in the food industry to protect products and extend shelf life.

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